As we celebrate our 20 years in the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) field, we will be sharing stories of growth and grit in our PowerStories series. Our goal is to raise awareness about mental health, inspire conversations among leaders on addressing well-being in the workplace and offer hope and healing to those who may be struggling.
The stories in this series are composite narratives inspired by real cases we have encountered over the years. Each story is a blend of multiple cases, with identifying details altered to protect the privacy of the individuals and companies involved. Additionally, we have incorporated creative elements to enhance the storytelling and further obscure the identities of the real characters. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
We are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of all counseling and coaching sessions, as well as adhering to our data privacy agreements with client companies. When sharing these stories, we do so with utmost care to prevent any potential harm to our clients.
We invite you to interact with our stories in the comments and like, share, or repost to spread mental health awareness to others.
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